So here is a little prego update...
There are only 8 short weeks left until our "little monkey" (as Joe so fondly calls him) will make his appearance. I'm excited and a bit freaked out at the same time. I cannot wait to meet this little guy who likes to do rolls and kicks within the belly. I cannot wait to see his little face and fingers and toes. I cannot wait to tell him how much his dad and I love him. But becoming a parent...WOW...there is going to be this little person who will completely depend upon Joe and I. What a responsibility! But one that we feel up to the task.
I went to the doctor today. And despite my anxieties about my weight gain everything seems to be on track. We are still shooting for a due date of May the 12th. The doc says that he probably weighs about 3-1/2 to 4 pounds. Last night Joe and I were watching a movie and Joe had his hand resting on the belly. Baby Davis just kept moving around and kicking at Joe's hand. I love to see Joe's face light up every time that this happens. It makes me smile. Despite the movements of our little one at the most unconvienent of times, whether I am trying to sleep or just trying to drive to and from work, I just keep thinking that in the end it will all be worth it. Being pregnant is a wonderful thing. To know that Heavenly Father has blessed both Joe and I to be parents and to feel life growing within me is such an awesome feeling.
A little funny thing happened at church on Sunday...there was a couple sitting behind us who are going to have their first baby about a week after we are due. She is so tiny! Hard to believe that she is as far along as she is. Anyhow, her husband made a point to tell me that my belly button has popped out! How kind of him! I know that you cannot tell from the picture but it has popped out. It does look kind of funny but I like to think of it as a beauty mark for the duration of the pregnancy. Thanks Baby Davis!
You are almost there!!! so exciting. You look great.
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