Monday, April 23, 2007
Operation Baby Room Complete
Posted by Kim at 7:50 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
So here is a lovely pregnancy dream that I had recently....
I woke up and discovered that I wasn't pregnant anymore. I found Joe in the baby's room and said, "Honey, I'm not pregnant anymore!" And he said, "I know!!!" And then I noticed that I was even thinner than I was before I got pregnant. (Every woman's dream) So I relayed that to Joe and he said, "I know!!!" So I asked where the baby was and he said that he was at the hospital still and that we should go see him. So we got in the car and drove to the hospital. I was so excited cause I was finally going to see what he looked like. =) So we are walking down the hall and all of a sudden Joe disappears. I go looking for him all over the hospital and where do I find him? In the cafeteria of all places! I asked him what he was doing and he said that they were short staffed in the cafeteria and he was helping them out. Oh the life of a chef! I just stared at him in disbelief. He said to go on up to the maternity ward and see the baby and that he would be up shortly. Of course my alarm went off just as I was going to see the baby. Guess I'll have to wait another three weeks to see my little man. At least this wasn't some crazy nightmare and just a funny dream.
Posted by Kim at 9:14 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Happy Birthday Grandma Davis!!!!

Posted by Kim at 1:35 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Ok....things that one should NEVER say to a pregnant woman:
- Are you sure you aren't having twins?
- You haven't had your baby yet? (Especially when the pregnant women has quite a few weeks left to go)
- It's are only going to get bigger.
- WOW! Have your feet always been that big?
- Your kid is going to be H-U-G-E! That is really going to hurt.
These things have actually been said to me on more than one occasion. BLAH! And a word to all of you out there that have had or have heard of really scary or abnormal pregnancies....I really don't want to hear about them right now. After I've given birth you can tell me all the stories you want to. Oh, and one more thing....DON'T STARE AT A PREGNANT WOMAN!!!! She (I) already feels subconscious about the way she looks and you are not helping!
K...I feel better...thanks for listening to my vent session!
Posted by Kim at 12:37 PM 2 comments