In preparation of Toy Story 3...Zachary has been slightly obsessed with his Buzz Lightyear and Woody dolls. Wait, can I call them dolls? Ummmm....let's just call them toys. Yup, that sounds better than my 3 yr old playing with dolls. He wanted to wear his Buzz shirt, shoes, and Woody hat (from his Halloween costume) to the movie. Of course I couldn't find the hat until this morning.

What would a drive-in movie be without friends and tons of junk food? Can you see Woody's face in the lower right hand corner of the picture? Yup, he wanted to see himself on the BIG screen!

And here is Zoe in her normal position on the blankets. Since she is not much of a cuddler (which makes me want to cry), she spends most of her drive-in experience laying down. But she'll be sitting up before we know it and enjoying the movies with us.
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