Is this not the cutest face EVER??!!! Zachary turned four months old this past Saturday. He is such a joy in our lives. All I have to do is look at him and he breaks out in this HUGE toothless grin. He has got great dexterity and is grabbing at everything he can only to put it right to his mouth. We are hoping that he might roll over soon. He raises his legs into the air and leans them to the left. I try to work with him and show him how to roll over so we will see. Thank goodness
for the bibs that we have...this kid drools like there is a faucet in his mouth! He just opens up
and out it pours. My favorite is when he is attempting to eat and smiles and it all comes right back out. On Sunday Joe convinced me to
give Zachary some rice cereal. I don't think he
knew what to think.But I loved the look on his face. And in case you cannot see it Mom he is wearing his I LOVE MY NANA bib. I think that we might wait just a little bit before we try it again cause he kept pushing it right back out with his tongue. I'm guessing that his stomach is going to have to get used to this stuff considering it all wound up all over me a bit later. That was a fun mess to clean up. BLAH! Not sure if I have talked abou the "magic blue chair" yet, but you can see it here in the pictures. I am totally convinced that this chair has magic powers. Zachary never ever cries or fusses when he is in this chair. He might be fussing and I put him in the chair and he magically stops! LOOOOOVE THE CHAIR! Lately, he has been trying to turn around and look at the bear...way cute! Anyhoo...enjoy these handsome pictures of our growing boy.
Annabella has that same chair and she still loves it to pieces. It is a great chair. He is probably just getting used to the tongue movement of food on it keep trying he will get the hang of it. It took Annabella 3 or 4 tries. He is so cute.
He is so cute. I just want to snatch him up and hug him tight. Love you guys.
Ok, I know you probably hear this all the time, but I just can't restrain myself. He is the cutest baby ever!! I love the cheeks, and the big toothless smile. What a cutie pie.
Nikki (the tiffster's sister)
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